1.We love prison inmates because God told us to. Check out 2 Corinthians 5:14. The love of God “constrains us” (puts the squeeze” on us. He puts a love in us that I cannot explain nor get rid of.

2.We love prison inmates because they are no different than we are. I had problems with my dad; I stole things from stores; etc. God loved me through all the years; God loves inmates the same way through all their years.

3.We love prison inmates because there are many prisoners listed in the Bible. Joseph was in jail; Jeremiah was in jail. Neither one of them deserved to be there. God loves prisoners.

4.We love prison inmates because very few out there in the Christian community love them; we get the privilege to represent many people inside the prisons.

5.We love inmates because they love back; they forgive back; they hug back;

6.We love prison inmates because God believes in second chances, and allows us to spread that news to them.

7.We love prison inmates because the writer of Hebrews told us to “remember those in prison”.