Partner With Us
Our ministry is our profession – helping inmates love God.
Join Our Team
A ministry of any kind is a team effort -A team of believers and churches who believe in second chances. An inmate can grow, even if they never get out. We need you on our team!
Donate – Support us financially
We receive our support (donations) through Missionary Gospel Fellowship (MGF). All funds go to them and then are disbursed to us.
Pray – support us with prayer:
- Pray that the prisons will remain open for the gospel.
- Pray that we will be healthy and alert for the task.
- Pray for wisdom to write good materials
- Pray that good godly chaplains will be hired and available.
- Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the inmates to receive His Word and that their lives will be changed.
You may receive updates on specific prayer requests and praises from our newsletters. Newsletters
Encourage Us – ours is a lonely and misunderstood ministry:
- We need people to ask us what good things are happening.
- We need people to thank us for being on the front lines.
- We need calls and emails saying you are standing with us.